Interview with Lizardcub and DotEmu: Creators of the game Wonderboy - Tha dragons trap

Hello guys and girls, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to my blog. Today we're going to talk to a little with Lizardcube and DotEmu, the companies behind Wonderboy game (yes, we had the pleasure to talk to these two woderful companies =).

Wonderboy is a Master System game that was brought back to life to the days we're living in.
Soooo, here we go:

Can you tell us a little bit about Lizardcube and DotEmu? (Things like how it all started and so on).
Ben: We started Lizardcube after developing a prototype of the game. We knew then that the original creator and Dotemu would be on board .
It’s co-founded by Omar Cornut (technical director) and me, Ben Fiquet (art director).
We met with Omar in 2006 working on Soul Bubbles for Nintendo DS.
Cyrille (DotEmu): DotEmu was founded 10 years ago, with the willing of bringing back the best old school games to web browsers and mobile. With the time, the company evolved and we are now able to bring back any games from any platform to PC mobile and consoles, as a publisher and/or a developer. We kept our willing to bring back forgotten games, for the pleasure of original fans and to transmit the legacy of the pioneers to the younger generations.
Today we also work with talented people like Ben and Omar, to achieve this goal. Now we not only do adaptations but also remakes (Wonder Boy) and sequels (Pang Adventures)!
We are small team of passionate people located in Paris always in search of old gems to bring back.
What inspired Lizardcube and DotEmu to remaster Wonder Boy?
Ben: Well, it’s considered by many the best game of the Master System. It was one of the first metroidvania, open world kind of game and the gameplay generally speaking was very tight. It didn’t have the chance to shine like the Nintendo licenses because the master system was less popular but we’re very happy to be able to share it with today’s generation of gamers.
I also wanted to be able to craft it as i envisioned it as a kid. I’m really glad that there has been an overwhelming response concerning the art of the game.
Cyrille (DotEmu): Lizardcube inspired us actually! Omar and Ben came to us with the project in mind in 2015. They were so passionate about the original game, and their early prototype was already so beautiful, that we were motivated instantly do make it happen. It is really in line with our vision. Also, The Dragon’s Trap is really a great game. I personally did not know it before they showed it to me even if I had a SMS at the time :) But I really saw its potential as the mechanics and game design really hold well through the years.  

About Steam. Talking to you Lizardcube team, I asked if Wonder Boy was going to be release on Steam. And the answer was yes, but a little late. Which platforms? Windows, Mac OS and Linux?
Omar: We are aiming for June for the Windows Steam release. About Mac OS and Linux, we don’t yet know if there would be enough interest from players, but will investigate the possibility.

Plans for the future. You don't have to spoil it out, but more Master system games? (Please, tell us the answer is yes =)
Ben: It’s actually something we have to figure out. We need to relax a little and envision what the future might hold. Maybe another remake, maybe an original game, who knows….

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